Thursday, July 22, 2010


"These are very crucial days. There is an element in this nation that is seeking to remove Christ from everything about the nation and to remove any mention of a Christian God. That places your life and mine in a very significant moment in history. This is a time for us to speak up and not let the world around us remove everything that this nation was founded on."

This is an excerpt from an article in "Herald of His Coming" by Henry Blackaby. The message was delivered at Heart-Cry Southeast in March of 2010 in Tennessee. You can go to the website to read the rest of the article and all the other articles.

Here is the link to the Herald of His Coming website ~~

I have been reading this magazine for about 12 years! The articles and teachings are great!

Here is the link to the website of the ministry ~~

(I wrote this in 7/17/2010) 


Monday, April 26, 2010


In our church services and our prayer gatherings lately, there is definitely something going on ~ something new, something different, something powerful! The Wind of the Spirit is blowing and it will not stop! This is the dawn of  a new day! We have prayed and fasted for it! We have travailed for it! We have longed for it! We have believed for it! It isn't coming ~ it is already here! If you haven't witnessed it yet, you will soon ~ whether you are ready for it or not! There is so much more going on than what we see with the natural eye! The time is NOW ~ to die to self, to crucify the flesh, to totally surrender to Him, to repent, to draw near to Him, to allow Him to remove the dross and burn up every idol, to forgive others, to reject worldly desires! There are still many who are slumbering!Wake up! Prepare yourself! Don't be caught by surprise! We must yield to Him as He beckons us! Things are moving fast!  We are to be as the sons of Issachar, knowing the times! Look around ~ don't you see? It's right before our eyes! Make no mistake! HE IS HOLY! We MUST be holy as He is holy! And He is coming back for a PURE and SPOTLESS Bride!  We MUST be ready!  WAKE UP! The Wind of the Spirit is blowing!

This was originally written on 4/20/2010 under my "Secret Place" blog, but I believe it belongs here.


The Lord is moving once again in our midst, in a new way, for a new season! He is awakening our hearts and our spirits to Him, to His Spirit, to His voice, to His leading! The old way of doing things will no longer suffice! It's a new day, a new season, and He is doing a new thing! He is moving us to a new, higher level in Him, a deeper place of intimacy! The Fire of His Holiness is demanding a laying down of our lives ~ our hopes, our dreams, our gifts and talents, our earthly desires, our worldly pleasures ~at His feet! We need to then pick up HIS desires, HIS heart, HIS dreams, and bring them to a generation, a world, that is lost, dying, and in desperate need of what ONLY HE can give them! We can be the conduit for which God uses to connect Himself to them if we just SURRENDER ALL to Him and say,"Yes, Lord!" to whatever He commands us!  We are not waiting on God to move, He is waiting on us! An awakening has begun at the IHOP-KC! God is performing miracles and great testimonies are coming forth! At my church, LifeHouse Church, yesterday morning, the Spirit of God moved in a powerful way, bringing restoration and revelation! (I was personally touched in a very deep way by the Lord!) And we know this is only the beginning! I resolve to being a laid-down lover! My life is truly no longer my own, but His, to do as He pleases! In the Secret Place with the Lover of our souls is where the real transformation will take place! We must get alone with Him and give Him permission to do whatever is necessary in us for us to be all He has called us to be, to rid us of all hindrances to His work in us! In this, we will MOVE FORWARD in His will for our lives! Those who look back are not fit for the Kingdom! Leave the past behind! Follow HIS lead to the new thing He is doing in this hour! The future of a generation depends on it!

This was originally written on 11/16/2009 under my "Secret Place" blog, but I believe it belongs here.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I know that every generation has thought that. And, what is considered the "last days" could be quite a long time period. But, according to what the Word says about the signs of the times, and considering the "condition" of things today, I would say that I believe we are most definitely in what would be called the last days! I heard someone prophesy recently that we are in "the beginning of sorrows". Who's to say? But, I can tell you this. We are in very serious times and the Church needs to be watchful! A few years ago, the Lord said to me that the Church needs to WAKE UP and RISE UP and be ALL that He has called her to be! The time is NOW!


Recently, the Lord spoke two words to me ~ power and authority. We can look at it two ways. If we (the Church) knew the power that is within us, we would walk in the authority God has given us. At the same time, if we knew the authority we have, we would walk in so much power! When you look up the word power, authority is one of the meanings. Likewise, if you look up the word authority, the word power is one of the meanings. This is no accident!

This is a time when we need to be walking in that power and authority that He has given to us! Yes, I said "He HAS given us"! We already have it! He has already empowered us by the Holy Ghost! It is His Spirit that gives us the power to overcome!

Father, give us (the Church) a revelation of who You REALLY are and who we REALLY are in You, that we may walk in the power and authority that You have already given us and live victorious lives that will win for the Lamb the reward of His suffering and bring You the Glory due Your Name!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


1 Chronicles 12:32 ~~ the sons of Issachar had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.....

This is how we need to be! We are in serious times! We must stay near to the Lord, listening closely to His voice, waiting for His instructions on what to do as things become more uncertain in these last days! We must be watchful, paying attention to what is going on and referring to God's Word daily in each situation. The Church in general has gotten so far away from how she should be! There is not much difference between her and the world! The church has become complacent, even lazy! I'm not pointing fingers at anyone ~ I refer to myself as much as anyone else! Ephesians 5:14 says, "Awake, O sleeper! Rise up from the dead!". This call holds true for now as much as then ~ maybe more so! The days of "playing church" and "sitting on the fence" as they say, MUST come to an abrupt end! We MUST fall on our faces at the feet of our King in repentance for our sin of idolotry (putting other things before God), for the shedding of innocent blood (abortion), and for the sin of sodomy (homosexuality), among other things! If ever there was a time for the Church to rise up and shake these things off  IT IS NOW!!! Come on Church! Wake up! Rise up! Heed the times! Repent! Have mercy on us, Jesus!